Shared Strategy for Puget Sound
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Salmon Recovery in Puget Sound
Stories of Progress


January 19, 2007
Federal Adoption of the Salmon Recovery Plan

News Release

Remarks »
Bob Lohn, NOAA regional director

Remarks » Jeff Koenings, WDFW director

Letter » Senator Patty Murray

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Visit NOAA's Chinook Plan
Web site click here »


Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan

Puget Sound Chinook ESA Salmon Recovery Plan cover In 1999, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) listings of the Chinook salmon, summer chum, and bull trout in Puget Sound brought a growing crisis to the forefront in the Pacific Northwest. Taking action to protect salmon, Federal, state, tribal and local government, along with various industries, initiated a collaborative effort to develop a long-term plan for salmon recovery in Puget Sound.

Watershed groups across the Sound drafted recovery plans for their areas. NOAA Fisheries Service worked with Shared Strategy participants and the Puget Sound Technical Recovery Team to combine those plans into a single plan for the region.

In June 2005, the Shared Strategy presented its regional plan for ESA-listed Puget Sound Chinook to NOAA. The Northwest Region then prepared a supplement that clarified and expanded on ESA recovery requirements. Following public comment on the proposed plan, NOAA finalized these two documents on January 19, 2007. Together the Shared Strategy plan and NOAA Fisheries Service supplement comprise a final recovery plan for Puget Sound completing for the first time ever in the history of the Endangered Species Act a recovery plan developed and endorsed by the community.

  • Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Plan (Adopted January 19, 2007): a user-friendly blueprint for how people across the Puget Sound plan to recover salmon and preserve our regional culture and quality of life. The plan responds to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and federal agency requirements, describes regional, cross-watershed strategies and actions, and summarizes the local watershed chapters. Continue »

Shared Strategy for Puget Sound | 1411 4th Avenue, Suite 1015 | Seattle, WA 98101 | 206.447.3336