Assessing cumulative effects of restoration and protection actions in Puget Sound


The cumulative effects of recovery actions and how well they contribute to ecosystem recovery are not well understood. Puget Sound Partnership is initiating an evaluation of the cumulative effects to inform the understanding ecosystem processes related to recovery and clarify what interventions are most effective in accomplishing our collective recovery targets.

The cumulative effects of nearshore habitat recovery actions on juvenile salmonids in the Whidbey basin. An evidence-based evaluation of cumulative effects to comprehensively evaluate salmon recovery efforts implemented over the past two decades in Whidbey basin nearshore habitats is underway. This study will evaluate the cumulative effects of nearshore habitat restoration in the Whidbey basin aimed at improving critical habitat for juvenile Chinook salmon. A collaborative, multi-institutional research team has been convened to develop and implement this study over the next 2-3 years.


Assessing the cumulative effects of nearshore habitat recovery actions for juvenile salmonids in the Whidbey basin: annual report for 2022 – 2023. This report documents recent progress on the Whidbey basin cumulative effects study for 2022-2023. The report details the development of analytical aspects of the study, including methodology for the systematic literature review, synthesis approach, and the evaluation of causal criteria.

The cumulative effects of nearshore habitat recovery actions on juvenile salmonids in the Whidbey basin: Study development report. This report details an evidence-based approach to evaluate cumulative effects produced from salmon habitat restoration at a greater basin scale for application to salmon recovery efforts in Puget Sound. This study will continue development and implementation in 2023-2025.

Webinar and presentation on the Whidbey basin evaluation of cumulative effects. This webinar presents the recent progress on the development of a cumulative effects evaluation in Whidbey basin and provides an overview of study implementation to occur over the next two to three years.

Evaluating the cumulative effects of Puget Sound recovery. Presentation to the Puget Sound

Science Panel, December 2021, introducing cumulative effects and provides an overview of a Puget Sound case study.

Cumulative Effects of Puget Sound Recovery Actions: Methodology and Design for a Case Study of Juvenile Salmonids and Nearshore Habitats in Whidbey Basin.

Preliminary design proposal for a case study applying cumulative effects evaluation to restoration of nearshore habitats in the Whidbey basin.

Guidance for Evaluation of Cumulative Effects of Puget Sound Recovery Actions. General guidance document for practical application of a cumulative effects evaluation methodology in Puget Sound.

Communications plan for the cumulative effects evaluation work in Puget Sound. The plan outlines specific audiences, strategies, products, actions, and known barriers. Included in the plan is a table of anticipated engagement and outreach opportunities for 2023-2025.

Stay connected: Subscribe here for news and announcements on the Whidbey basin cumulative effects study.

Last updated: 1/2/24


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