There's work to be done - let's roll up our sleeves, together, and get to it


In fall 2019, the Puget Sound Partnership (Partnership) conducted an after action review of the 2018-2022 Action Agenda. The goal of the Partnership in conducting the after action review was to seek feedback on the 2018-2022 Action Agenda and the process to develop it that will help inform our collective approach to the 2022-2026 Action Agenda. The Partnership has reviewed the responses and is pleased to share a report covering the key findings of the after action review. We believe that the feedback we have received provides important guidance in our effort to develop a comprehensive, meaningful, and useful Action Agenda that will help advance Puget Sound recovery. Thank you to all who provided input during the after action review and to all who will continue to contribute to developing, improving, and using the 2022-2026 Action Agenda.

Based on the findings of the after action review and other feedback, the Partnership and partners are beginning the effort to develop the 2022-2026 Action Agenda in the coming months. Please look for continued opportunities to engage in the development process by attending board meetings, or by engaging with our local, state, or tribal partners.

If you have any questions about the report, please contact Dan Stonington at

The Puget Sound Partnership is transitioning to a new user-friendly database to allow easy filtering of Regional Priorities and Near Term Actions for Puget Sound recovery and to monitor and report on implementation of the Action Agenda. Please visit the new Action Agenda Tracker.

The Action Agenda Tracker was created to allow implementers, funders, decisionmakers, and the public to track Puget Sound recovery actions. The Tracker also helps us tell stories about the work and accomplishments of the broad community of organizations and individuals dedicated to Puget Sound recovery. All Regional Priorities and Near Term Actions in the Action Agenda for Puget Sound are now stored in the Tracker.

  On December 5, 2018, the Leadership Council adopted the 2018-2022 Action Agenda for Puget Sound after reviewing recommendations from the Ecosystem Recovery Board, Salmon Recovery Council and Science Panel, as well as input received from advisory boards, tribes, and the public.

As part of its proposal, the Leadership Council asked that the Southern Resident Orca Vital Sign be added as a priority Vital Sign for this 4 year period.  Bringing the Task Force recommendations into the sphere of the Action Agenda is essential to leverage existing efforts and momentum and to identify the actions that can have the largest benefit for both Southern Resident orcas and the Puget Sound ecosystem as a whole.

This Action Agenda could not have been made without the dedication and work of all of our partners and broader recovery community. The 2018-2022 Action Agenda for Puget Sound charts the course to recovery of our nation's largest estuary–it complements and incorporates the work of many local and regional partners from around Puget Sound to describe strategies and specific actions needed to recover Puget Sound.  

Access the 2018-2022 Action Agenda

Public Comment and Response Summary and the Detailed Comment Matrix


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