Monitoring to Accelerate Recovery
The Puget Sound Partnership is pleased to announce the Monitoring to Accelerate Recovery Request for Information for collaborative proposals to address priority information needs to support and accelerate the recovery of the Puget Sound ecosystem.
All projects are expected to support the objectives of the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program (PSEMP) Strategic Plan which aims to increase collaboration, support adaptive management of Puget Sound recovery efforts, and improve communication and access to credible information that guides recovery decisions. As an implementing agency of Washington State’s Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act, the Partnership encourages respondents to submit proposals that create environmental benefits for overburdened and vulnerable populations, collaborate with community scientists, and provide opportunities for Tribes, vulnerable populations, and overburdened communities to participate.
We intend to award up to $950,000 during the 2025-2027 biennium depending on funding availability. We anticipate supporting up to 12 projects with a budget of $50,000 - $150,000 each. Projects are expected to begin in July 2025 and continue through June 30, 2027.
Project proposals must align with one or more information need categories:
Category 1 – Developing and reporting of Vital Sign Indicators and other types of measures used by the Puget Sound Partnership
Category 2 – Assessing, synthesizing and disseminating monitoring information that can inform decision-making and support a thriving and resilient Puget Sound.
Responses are due by 12:00 pm on March 28, 2025. Please see the full announcement for additional details about the proposal requirements, how to apply, and the information needs. Questions should be directed to during two Question-and-Answer periods or asked during the webinar.
The Puget Sound Partnership (Partnership) funds projects every biennium that address priority monitoring information needs to inform and accelerate the recovery of Puget Sound. Projects are funded via a formal project solicitation process. All projects are expected to support the objectives of the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program (PSEMP) strategic plan to increase collaboration, support adaptive management of Puget Sound recovery efforts, and improve communication to improve access to credible information to guide recovery decisions.
All of the project products funded by this solication process are accessible on the PSEMP Products webpage.
Projects funded in 2023-2025
For the 2023-25 biennium, the Puget Sound Partnership (Partnership) requested project proposals that address priority monitoring information needs to inform and accelerate recovery of Puget Sound under the Monitoring to Accelerate Recovery Request for Information (RFI #2023-163) to allocate up to $750,000.
We are pleased to announce the following six successful projects:
Respondent name | Affiliation | Title | Requested budget |
Kathryn Meyer |
Developing groundfish and benthic invertebrate Vital Sign indicators for Puget Sound using bottom trawl survey data spanning 36 years. |
$116,491 |
Jude Apple |
Padilla Bay NERR/ Dept of Ecology |
Puget Sound Phytoplankton/Primary Productivity Vital Sign Indicator Development - Phase 2: Data Synthesis |
$118,819 |
Jim Johannessen |
Coastal Geologic Services, Inc. |
Shoreline Armoring Trends to Inform Beaches and Marine Vegetation Vital Sign Indicators in Puget Sound, WA. |
$119,969 |
Michael LeMoine |
Skagit River System Cooperative |
Monitoring and evaluating adaptive management strategies at two restoration projects in the Skagit Delta |
$66,852 |
Gary Slater |
Ecostudies Institute |
Operationalizing the Salish Sea Estuaries Avian Monitoring Framework |
$75,253 |
Jenny L. Atkinson |
The Whale Museum |
Development of Robust Estimate of Orca (Orcinus orca) Occupancy in Puget Sound |
$96,011 |
We would like to thank the Puget Sound Ecosystem Monitoring Program (PSEMP) Steering Committee members, PSEMP Work Group Leads, and Partnership staff colleagues who contributed their time and perspective as members of the Evaluation Panel.
We are excited about this newest cohort of projects and look forward to working with all the project teams in implementing the projects!
Projects funded in 2021-2023
Original project solicitation: 2021-2023 Monitoring to Accelerate Recovery.
Monitoring to Accelerate Recovery Projects for July 2021-June 2023
Project title | Description | Project team | Category |
Developing Vital Sign Indicators for zooplankton |
A project to develop the Zooplankton Vital Sign with leadership, information, and data sharing from the Puget Sound Zooplankton Monitoring Program. |
Julie Keister, Bethel-Lee Herrmann, University of Washington; Phill Dionne, WA Department of Fish and Wildlife; Correigh Greene and Stu Munch, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration |
1 |
Developing Vital Sign Indicators for phytoplankton and primary productivity (Phase 1) |
A collaborative project to conduct a series of workshops to understand the common measurements to develop a phytoplankton and primary productivity Vital Sign. |
Jude Apple, Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve; Ashley Bagley, Long Live the Kings; Julia Bos, King County; Cheryl Greengrove, University of Washington Tacoma; Lucas Hall, Long Live the Kings |
1 |
Enhancing the Human Wellbeing Vital Sign through inclusive engagement |
The highly collaborative project sought to enhance our knowledge of local communities’ human wellbeing in connection to the Vital Signs. |
David Trimbach, WA Department of Fish and Wildlife (formerly Oregon State University) |
1 |
Develop foundation to monitor marine noise Vital Sign indicator |
A project to develop an approach for assessing and reporting on ocean noise levels in Puget Sound as a foundation for the noise in marine water Vital Sign Indicator. |
Erin Ashe, Oceans Initiative |
1 |
Developing the Marine Benthic Index as a Vital Sign Indicator |
A project to develop a Marine Benthic Index Indicator which included modeling species occurrences in relationship to the environment and human disturbance. |
Valerie Partridge, WA Department of Ecology; Donald Schoolmaster, US Geological Survey |
1 |
Developing Vital Sign Indicators for Salmon Abundance |
A project to compile data for the development of Vital Sign Indicators of salmon species abundance. |
Neala Kendall, WA Department of Fish and Wildlife |
1 |
Developing a Vital Sign Indicator for toxics in the nearshore using mussels |
A project to integrate toxics-related biophysical targets with human wellbeing goals by connecting and communicating directly with communities most affected by toxics in the nearshore. |
James West, Mariko Langness, Louisa Harding, and Sandra O’Neill, WA Department of Fish and Wildlife; Mark Scheuerell, University of Washington |
1 |
Open knowledge networks to support regulatory best available science |
A project to develop an iterative conversation between regulators and scientists from multiple agencies around focused topics such as beach nourishment and non-natal habitat use by juvenile salmon outside of their natal watershed. |
Max Lambert, WA Department of Fish and Wildlife; Paul Cereghino, Josh Chamberlin, and Stephanie Ehinger, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
2 |
Trophic linkages between zooplankton, herring, and salmon Vital Sign Indicators |
A project that synthesized data related to Pacific herring, Chinook salmon, other competitors, and zooplankton to understand the trophic linkages in the food web. |
Correigh Greene, NOAA; Todd Sandell, formerly WA Department of Fish and Wildlife; Julie Keister, University of Washington |
2 |
Additional Vital Signs Development
Project title | Description | Project team |
Developing a Kelp Vital Sign Indicator |
A highly collaborative project to develop a kelp bed area Vital Sign indicator. |
Helen Berry, Pete Dowty, Julia Ledbetter, Elizabeth Spaulding, Danielle Claar, WA Department of Natural Resources; Todd Woodard, Samish Indian Nation; Megan Dethier and Wendell Raymond, University of Washington; Nicole Naar, WA Sea Grant; Tom Mumford, Marine Agronomics |
Projects funded in 2019-2021:
The Partnership funded the following projects using funding allocated to support PSEMP work groups and reporting of the Vital Signs during the 2019-21 biennium:
Project title | Description | Project leads |
Nearshore Summit and Synthesis |
This virtual nearshore summit, held from March 10-25, 2021, included about 80 speakers representing over 50 institutions and over 500 registrants. The goal is to connect restoration scientists and practitioners to synthesize nearshore science and restoration actions in Puget Sound to create a durable roadmap that updates restoration conceptual models and identifies key uncertainties for future research and management to address. You can find more information about the summit and its synthesis here. You can find a video overview here. |
Tish Conway-Cranos, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; Jason Toft, University of Washington; David Trimbach, Oregon State University |
Fundamental Environmental Contextual Metrics Dashboard |
Climate change poses a serious threat to Puget Sound recovery efforts. To adapt recovery efforts to these changes, we need metrics that show why change is occurring. The project will use data from ongoing oceanographic and atmospheric measurement programs to develop six fundamental environmental metrics and compare current status updates to historical values. When finished, the metrics will be available to the public via a web-based dashboard that will concisely summarize current conditions. The dashboard is accessible at this link. You can find a video overview here. |
John Mickett, University of Washington |
Marine Waters Annual Overview |
The Marine Waters Overview Report and annual workshop communicates the results from regional monitoring programs through a virtual workshop and published report of technical summaries and high-level information synthesis across monitoring programs and scientific disciplines. The annual workshop and report provided an integrative understanding of current trends in Puget Sound marine water quality and impacts through the food web, link to the Puget Sound Vital Signs and goals for ecosystem recovery, and share critical information for making evidence-based decisions about recovery efforts. The link to the full report can be found here and you can find a video overview here. |
Jude Apple, Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve; Rachel Wold, University of Washington |
Avian Habitat Suitability Models for Puget Sound Estuary Birds |
Puget Sound and the Salish Sea support hemispherically significant concentrations of shorebirds, waterfowl, and other marine bird species. Despite this importance, birds have received little attention by state and federal recovery efforts. This project develops science products that support the management needs of estuary birds, including end-user stakeholder engagement, avian-habitat suitability models, and the initiation of a regional avian monitoring framework for river delta estuaries. A monitoring framework will facilitate targeted data collection that allows for avian conservation planning and management at local and regional scales and supports integration of birds in estuary recovery efforts. This project produced an executive summary and storymap. You can find a video overview here. |
Amanda Summers, Stillaguamish Tribes of Indians; Trina Bayard, Audubon Washington |
Prioritization of Contaminants of Emerging Concern |
This project identified and prioritized a suite of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs), based on biological relevance, to focus future monitoring efforts and provide the information necessary for a management response. Hundreds of CECs such as pharmaceuticals, plasticizers, pesticides, and others have been detected in Puget Sound. We must prioritize limited funding to address the chemicals of greatest concern and for future regulatory requirements. This project has finished its first phase and the report is linked here. You can find a video overview here. |
Andy James, University of Washington Tacoma; Ruth Sofield, Western Washington University |
Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring in Large Puget Sound Rivers |
Juvenile salmonid monitoring is a critical component of understanding both freshwater productivity and marine survival. The project worked with a network of tribal and state smolt trap operators to identify shared trends in Chinook salmon abundance and productivity metrics through time across 11 rivers throughout the Puget Sound region. Results from this project indicate that Puget Sound Chinook salmon retain signs of resilience, both in terms of asynchronous survival trends among populations and recent periods of increased survival for some populations. In a changing climate, salmon recovery can further bolster resilience by fostering life history diversity and adopting management strategies robust to periods of both high and low survival. Additionally, this project showed the value of a cohesive network of juvenile salmonid monitoring in the region for informing recovery efforts. The project has developed a one-page overview and report. You can find a video overview here. |
Joe Anderson and Peter Lisi, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; Dawn Pucci, Island County |
Birds Vital Sign, Abundance of marine birds indicator |
Process annual mid-winter WDFW PSAMP seabird and waterfowl survey flight data; marine and terrestrial bird indicator updates; winter birds web map; Pigeon Guillemot citizen science data gathering, storage and summary tools. |
Scott Pearson, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. |
Drinking Water Vital Sign, Index of vulnerability for elevated nitrates in groundwater indicator |
Model for index of vulnerability to nitrates in groundwater; first Vital Sign indicator report for the vulnerability index indicator. |
Rick Dinicola, United States Geological Survey. |
Economic Vitality Vital Sign, Employment, output and percent employment in natural resource industries indicator |
Data compilation and analysis; annual update for three economic indicators in 2022. Vital Sign key messages. |
Katrina Wellman, Northern Economics Inc; Susan Burke, EcoResource Group and Green Economics. |
Outdoor Activities Vital Sign, Condition of swimming beaches indicator |
Maintain monitoring, data compilation, analyses and reporting at high-use, high-risk Puget Sound marine beaches for fecal indicator bacteria and communicate to the public when a risk of disease is identified. Indicator update in PS Info. |
Julianne Ruffner, Washington Department of Ecology. |
Shoreline Armor Vital Sign, HPA based indicator of new and removed armor |
HPA-based data compilation; Vital Sign indicator reporting for 2019 and 2020; Vital Sign decadal summary report and final data product. |
Doris Small, Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. |
Cultural Wellbeing, Good Governance, Sense of Place, Sound Stewardship, Local Foods and Outdoor Activity Vital Signs, subjective human wellbeing indicators |
Second general survey (in 2020) and report in support of the subjective human wellbeing indicators to report on. Survey of Latinx communities. Draft and final updates to each Vital Sign indicator reports, submitted via PS Info, based on general subjective HWB VS survey; Draft and final updates to each Vital Sign indicator reports via PS Info, based on Latinx survey; Key messages for Sense of Place submitted via PS Info; Presentations to Social Sciences Advisory Group; Inputs to State of the Sound report. Indicators: Participation in cultural practices; Good Governance Index; Locally harvestable foods; Nature-based recreation; Nature-based work; Overall life satisfaction; Psychological Wellbeing Index; Sense of Place Index; Engagement in stewardship activities). |
Kelly Biedenweg, Oregon State University. |
Toxics in Fish Vital Sign, Contaminants in juvenile salmon indicator |
Assess compatibility of historical data; assess time trends; indicator update for contaminants in juvenile salmon; draft manuscript and communication product. |
Last updated: 01/27/25