Puget Sound Partnership Nearshore Conservation Credit Program

Purchase credits

What is the current price for one Nearshore Conservation Credit from the Partnership?


What information is required prior to submitting a purchase request for Partnership Nearshore Credits?

Potential credit purchasers must have a final Conservation Calculator verified by NMFS biologists prior to any credit purchase.

What are the steps to purchasing Partnership Nearshore Credits?

  1. Federal permit applicant (or their consultant) determines conservation debits using the Puget Sound Nearshore Conservation Calculator.

  2. Federal permit applicant submits a completed calculator as part of permit application to the US Army Corps of Engineers. Applicants should also indicate their intention to purchase Partnership conservation credits in that application package.

  3. The Army Corps of Engineers submits the permit applicant’s calculator as part of a consultation package to NOAA Fisheries.

  4. NOAA Fisheries works with applicants to avoid and minimize infrastructure and maintenance project-related impacts to nearshore habitat. Unavoidable impacts will require conservation offsets.

  5. NOAA Fisheries verifies the amount of outstanding conservation necessary to account for unavoidable impacts and informs the Partnership of the finalized calculator total.

  6. Partnership verifies eligibility, requests any additional data, and provides presale agreement to the permittee for signature.

  7. Federal permit applicant and Partnership sign conservation credit presale agreement. Permittee may use the fully executed conservation credit presale agreement to satisfy outstanding conservation obligations, per their final Reasonable and Prudent Alternative decision from NOAA Fisheries.

  8. Federal permit applicant submits full payment and the Partnership confirms transfer of credit responsibility. Payment must be received by the expiration date in the presale agreement.

  9. Federal permit applicant may commence construction work on their infrastructure or maintenance.

How do I submit a credit purchase request for Partnership Nearshore Credits?

Fill out the credit purchase request form here: Adobe Acrobat Sign.

Are there other credit providers besides the Partnership?

Yes, the Blue Heron Slough Conservation Bank, the Hood Canal In-Lieu Fee Program, and the Port of Tacoma all offer conservation credits for sale to impacting projects that fall within their service areas.

Additionally, federal permit applicants may generate their own conservation (onsite or offsite) with approval from NOAA Fisheries and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Last updated: 6/5/24


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